Japanese Grammar Tips ~The Particles~

The particles play a really important role in Japanese language. It appears everywhere but sometimes its meaning is very ambiguous that even most Japanese native speakers cannot explain how to use it properly.

The most confusing but very common particles are and . I've written about them from the point of view that how differently it sounds. Here's the link below:

(1) Xは = The theme of the sentence is X

(2) が describes objectively what has happened

(3) When the subject changes in one sentence, we should use が

(4) Can't we repeat は in one sentence?

(5) Some Japanese verbs take が to mark the direct object

(6) は can be attached to another particles

If you have had friendly conversation with Japanese people, you may found that they often use the sentence ending particles. It conveys how the speaker feels. As it changes the nuance of the sentence, the same sentence with different sentence ending particles sounds really different.

(1) Do you know the difference between いい and いいね in Japanese?

(2) Sound more fluent in Japanese

The particle is usually used to show possession. I found a common mistake mostly among native Chinese speakers, so I compared the sentence structure in 3 languages: English, Chinese and Japanese.

の = of ?


  1. This article is a wonderful compliment to my Japanese grammar practice site where you can practice particles! (http://www.JPDrills.com) Thanks for writing it!

    1. Wow, thank you for your comment and the helpful information! Can I introduce this website on my next post? :)

    2. Hi Tomoe! I'm sorry for the late reply. I would be honored if you introduced JPDrills.com! We've developed a lot since November 2015. It's completely upgraded!


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