Hey guys! I've heard an interesting method for Language Exchange (LE).
This method is for beginners who have just learned basic grammar and some vocabulary.
(Google it if you don't know what's LE!!)
1. Decide one topic to talk about
2. Make 5 sentences about the topic in the target language
3. Check some vocabulary related to the topic before the session
(In the Session)
1. Your partner (or you) speeches 5 sentences
You might find many mistakes in your partners speech, but please listen till the end.
2. Let your partner know the mistakes or more natural way to say that
If you don't remember the sentences, you can ask your partner to read it again.
3. Speech corrected 5 sentences
4. Ask your partner 5 questions about her/his speech or about the topic
Please use simple and easy word so that your partner can understand
5. Switch the language
Now it's your (or your partner's) turn to speech 5 sentences.
1~4. again!
It would take 15 or 20 mins per person. It's very easy, isn't it? :)
I think it's much better to have a 20 mins session twice a week than to have a 2 hours session once a month. What's important is to keep it, right?
You wanna try it but haven't found any LE partners? :(
Then, please check my old posts which introduce some useful websites for LE!
→Language Exchange SNS <Lang-8>
→Find A Language Exchange Partner
And check this post if you want to start LE with Japanese friends.
→Japanese Phrases For Language Exchange
I currently tried this method with an Iranian lady. It was good for us, who are very shy and often freeze up! lol Please try it and let me know how it works for you guys!! :)
*Japanese Word of the Day*
/kinchou shichatte... nani hanaseba ii ka wakannai yo/
I feel so nerves... that I have no idea what to talk about.
/daijoubu, rirakkusu, rirakkusu/
No worries, just relax!
*緊張(きんちょう) /kinchou/ to feel nerves, embarrassed, to get tense
We often say 緊張する before a big workout. しちゃう is very casual way of saying する. It implies that it's not what one wants to do, or it's out of one's control.
ex) そんなこと言(い)ったら、彼女(かのじょ)泣(な)いちゃうよ
If you said like this, she will cry.
泣く [to cry] → 泣いちゃう [to cry, but it's not supposed to cry]
ex) ごめん、笑(わら)っちゃった。
Sorry, but I couldn't help laughing out.
笑う[to laugh] → 笑っちゃう ―(past sense)→ 笑っちゃった
*何(なに) /nani/ what
*話(はな)す /hanasu/ to talk, speak
*いい /ii/ good, fine, proper, okay → いいか(=いいかどうか) good or not
何を話せばいいか means "what to talk / what should I talk"
What to buy
What should I eat first
から shows the starting point. 何から literally means "from what".
Check this post to know more about から!
*わかんない/wakannai/=わからない I don't know, I'm not sure
*大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)/daijoubu/ don't worry, never mind, no problem, it's okay
We really often use this word!
Is it okay to go to cinema tomorrow?
Is your wound okay now?
*リラックス/rirakkusu/ to relax
There're tons of loan words from English in Japanese. xD We say リラックスする when it's used as a verb.
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