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Here's the list I've written about the Japanese particles.
(1) Xは = The theme of the sentence is X
- We Usually use は to describe things. So <AはB> is often translated as <A is B>.
- が is used to emphasize the subject. <AがB> can also be translated as <B is A>.
- When we answer the questions like "who is...?" or "what is...?", it is natural to use が.
- が has an exclusive meaning. If we say Aが, it implies that not B, C, or D, but A.
(2) が describes objectively what has happened
- In this case, you are just a spectator who describes the situation objectively.
- If you use は to describe happenings, then it focuses on "what someone/something did".
- When we talk about the actions of the first and the second person, tip(1) applies.
(3) When the subject changes in one sentence, we should use が
- が can implies the subject of the sentence would be changed.
- On the contrary, は can't imply omitted subject.
(4) Can't we repeat は in one sentence?
-は and が can be used in one sentence, but usually は comes before が. <AはBがC>
- は shows the topic of the sentence and が specifies its subject.
- It sounds incomplete if you change the latter が into は. It imply you have something more to say,
or you compare it(B) with something else. <AはBはC>
(5) Some Japanese verbs take が to mark the direct object
- It is common to use を to show the direct object of a verb. [OBJECT] を [VERB]
- Some English verbs which show one's want or preference, change into adjectives in
Japanese language, and in this case we should use が instead of を.
- We also use が when we talk about possibility or one's ability.
(6) は can be attached to another particle
(6) は can be attached to another particle
Today I'm going to talk mainly about some other particles: で/de/ and に/ni/.Maybe you've seen them before, haven't you? Then maybe you also have seen では/dewa/ and には/niwa/.
The meanings of で and では are very similar. So the other pairs are. I'm not sure these pairs are the different particles respectively or the combined form like で+は. But I'm going to explain it from a point of view that they're the combined form, since では seems to have both feature of で and は. Maybe it would be easier to understand them.
Now let's see the slight difference between them.
Ⅰ. で/de/ and では/dewa/
で simply indicates the location that something takes place.
I read books in a library everyday.
A man is running in the park.
It's not always the actual place like a park, hospital or a gym.
How do you practice in a language exchange?
I review what I learnt in the class.
で can also indicate tools, method, or instruments.
Let's talk in English.
I go to school by bike.
では sounds limited. Or, we say では instead of で to emphasize the word before it.
[1] 部屋(へや) で 音楽(おんがく)を聞(き)く。
[2] 部屋(へや) では 音楽(おんがく)を聞(き)く。
Both sentences can be translated as "I listen to the music in my room."
If I mentioned 部屋では, I limit the range of the topic to the place 部屋. The following sentence only apply in that place. In other words, [2] focuses on the first part of the sentence (words before では), while [1] just gives additional information about the place.
Do you listen to the music on your way to school?
Nope, but I do in my room.
Ⅱ. に/ni/ and には/niwa/
に/ni/ usually points the directions of the action.
I need to go to a hospital right now.
My dog welcomes me when I go back home.
Please don't talk to me.
Or it indicates the location of existence.
My father isn't at home.
There's a cat under the desk.
It seems a bit confusing because both で and に indicate the location. But remember, に is for the location of existence, while で is for the location that something takes place.
に can be used in many cases! To point the specific time, to indicate the purpose, or to mention about the agent of the passive.
Let's meet at 8 o'clock.
I went to a restaurant to have supper.
My wallet was stolen by a pickpocket.
And には, same as では, it emphasizes the word before it. It changes the focus of the sentence. Or it limit the range of the topic.
妹(いもうと): あれ?お母(かあ)さんどこにいるの?
Sister: Oh, where's mom?
兄(あに): 家にはいないみたい。
Brother: I think she isn't at home.
It can also be translated as "As for inside this house, she isn't here." It's mentioned within the limits (inside the house).
Aで/Aに just indicate the location, but Aでは/Aには imply that we define A as the range of the topic. You know, は indicates the topic of the sentence, so Aは can be translated as "speaking of A" or "as for A". In other words, は shows the range of the topic. Do you get what I want to say...?
Let's recap!
- は is attached to the other particles to emphasize or focuse on the words before it.
- Or it limits the range of the topic.
The previous post's <QUIZ> answer
>日本語の「は」と「が」の使い方 [ が ] 分かってきた。
I began to understand the usage of は and が better.
>ようやく宿題 [ を ] 提出すること [ が ] 出来る。
After all, I can hand in my homework.
Wow, it took 2 months to finish writing all of these tips. XD The particles in Japanese are confusing, indeed. But I hope I could be of any help! Your comments or questions are always welcomed! :)
Thank you for reading!