
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Buying Contact Lenses

Since I was a high school student, I've been wearing contact lenses.
To buy contact lenses in Japan costs time and money. How about in your country?

At first you need to find the ophthalmic clinic which sells contact lenses. And you have to wait so long in the boring waiting room. After testing your eyesight and something else, back to the waiting room and wait until your name will be called. Maybe a receptionist says that you have to come to the clinic 1 week later to get your contact lenses.

You have to pay a consultation fee in addition to the price of the contact lenses. It's not a duty, but you're told to come to check your eyes' condition every other months or once in three months.

I found that it's much easier to buy contact lenses in Taiwan. Most optician's shop sells contact lenses without eyesight checking. I just showed him the boxes of my contact lenses which I've been wearing, and I'll get new lenses tomorrow.
And, they're cheaper than ones in Japan! =)

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/megane, kumotteru yo/
Your glasses get foggy.

*くもる : get fogged up, get foggy

Monday, October 28, 2013

Autumn Color

Today one of my Taiwanese language exchange partner got a day off, and she invited me to hang out. So we went to National Palace Museum in Taiwan. It was a beautiful sunny day.
It's already the end of October, but still warm outside. I was surprised that there were still cicadas. Japan must be much colder now.

You know, Japanese people love viewing scarlet maple leaves in Autumn. Of course I also do love maple-viewing (紅葉狩り /もみじがり).

In this season, many temples or shrines open till night and light up the maple trees. It's so amazing. You should see it with your own eyes ; )

If you're ready to go to Japan, this site will help you to find out where to go.
Autumn Foliage Front Information for the Whole of Japan 2013

I miss Autumn colors in Japan.

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/aki-tte kanji/
I feel like Autumn!/It seems like Autumn!

春(はる)Spring / 夏(なつ)Summer / 秋(あき)Autumn / 冬(ふゆ)Winter
春夏秋冬(しゅんかしゅうとう) the four seasons

It's slang among young people. Sometime it's used to soften the sentence tone.

I wanna say that don't mess around!

Don't be silly! Nonsense! Shut up!Don't f**k with me!

What colors can you see in Autumn in your city? =)
赤とか、黄色って感じ?It's something like red and yellow and so on?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Creepy Smile =)

What will you be for Halloween this year?

Do you have a party? It's not so common to celebrate Halloween in Taiwan (nor in Japan), but we also enjoy its creepy mood =) I'm meeting my Taiwanese friend to exchange language on 31st. So I'm gonna surprise her somehow! hehe...

*Japanese Word of the Day*
It's creepy..

*不気味な笑顔(えがお)  a creepy smile
*不気味な絵(え) a creepy picture
*君(きみ)の笑顔(えがお)は不気味だ。 your smile is creepy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cheer Up

It's getting cold in Taiwan. I need to buy a jacket. I thought mosquitoes are  only in summer, but I got bitten by them last night. Though my husband didn't have any mosquitoes bites. It's unfair! (#`3´)

By the way, have you ever heard of Joe Hisaishi? He is a famous musician in Japan. Most of the songs in Studio Ghibli films are made by him. I'm a big fan of him though I don't know about music very well.

I've been to his concert once. It was awesome. I can't express in words how impressed I was.

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/kore kiku tabini, genki ni naru yo/
It cheers me up whenever I hear it.

これ(を)聞くたびに = whenever I hear it
*~するたびに : whenever I... / every time I... / as often as I...
*元気になる : get better / become fresh / get energetic / gain strength

What is the best way to cheer yourself up? =)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is She Pretty or Pitiful?!

Do you remember the difference between かわいい/kawaii/ and こわい/kowai/?
If not, check out my old post ; ) [Excuse me ma'am...]

This time I'm gonna tell you about another common mistake in Japanese.
It's about the difference between かわいい and かわいそう.

Once I wrote about what ~そう means. Look at *Japanese Word of the Day* in this post.
If you say "Aそう", it means "It seems/sounds/looks like A".

こわい(scary) → こわそう(seems scary)
優しい/yasashii/(kind) → 優しそう(looks kind)
おいしい(delicious) → おいしそう(looks delicious)
元気/genki/(fine) → 元気そう(seems fine)
大変/taihen/(hard) → 大変そう(seems hard)

Your friend looks very happy, and you'll ask him 元気そうだね、どうしたの?(You look happy, what's up?) =) Or he said he must work from early morning till midnight. Then you'll say 大変そうだね(That sounds hard).

Now, your friend showed you a picture of his girlfriend, who seems cute. What will you say?

Hmm... "cute" is かわいい in Japanese. And I should put そう to express "It seems"...
I got it! It's 「君(きみ)の彼女(かのじょ)、かわいそうだね!!」

The answer is ... NO!!!

If you say this phrase, you might rather make him angry.
Why? Because かわいそう means "poor" or"pity"!! So 君の彼女、かわいそうだね means "your girlfriend is pitiful". In this case, "かわいいね" is enough. Be careful!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A Misunderstanding

In my previous post, I told you how Kanji works in a sentence.
You can find funny Kanji mistypes when you search 変換ミス or 誤変換.

These are my favorite ones;
○ハイ写真だよ /hai, shashin dayo/ Here, it's the picture.
×歯医者死んだよ /haisha shinda yo/ The dentist has dead.

でーとのあいてがいれば… /deeto no aite ga ireba/
○デートの相手がいれば Wish I have a person who can date with...
×デートの相手が入れ歯 The person I date with wear false teeth...

/daigaku wo sotsugyou sitara issho ni sumou/
○大学を卒業したら、一緒に住もう Why don't you live with me after we graduated?
×大学を卒業したら、一緒に相撲 Why don't you do Sumo with me after we graduated?

Let's do Sumo!
Oh, I remembered one. It was my freshman year of high school.
I decided to join the school handball team, and I invited a girl who happened to be there. She wasn't very close friend at that time, if anything, it was the first time I talked with her.

Me "Hey, why don't we join the school handball team!"
Her "Handball team? Well, どうしようかな (=let me think...) あたし、けがおおいから..."

When I heard what she said, I thought she said あたし、毛が多いから.
*毛 hair
*多い many, a lot

So I told her nobody cares whether or not you are hairy. Then she was surprised and laughed out loud. What she said was wasn't that she's hairy.

She said あたし、ケガ多いから.
*ケガ is written as 怪我 in Kanji, which means an injury or a wound. Frankly, I couldn't recall how to write this Kanji though I can read when I see it. Maybe it's not only me! I think not a few people cannot handwrite it.That's why I often see this word written in Katakana, I think.

Do you get the picture about this story? =)
By the way, she decided to join the team as a manager. And from that day on, she became one of my best friends in my high school life.

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/ke ga ooinja nakute, kega ga ooi no!/
I don't mean that I am hairy, but I have many injures!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Let's Learn Kanji Characters!

Are Kanji characters troublesome to learn for you?
The number of common Kanji characters designated for daily use is 2,136. Do you think it's too many or not so much?

We learn 80 Kanji in 1st grade of elementary school in Japan. During 6 years until graduation, students must learn 1006 Kanji characters. The period of 6 years in elementary school and 3 years in junior high school is compulsory education. Students must master 1607 characters at a graduate level. In Japan, more than 97% of the students go on to high school. And then, finally, they master 2,136 characters.

Even Japanese people need 12 years to learn all of them, so why do you need to be impatient? =) Take it easy! And many people forget how to write or read some of them. Just move your fingers, the computer (PC, mobile) will help you find proper Kanji characters. Well, sometimes they show us funny conversions. I'm gonna tell you about it later!

Before the examples of funny Kanji conversions, I show you helpful video for Kanji learners.
If you have hard time to remember them or have interest in them and just want to start learning them, this video would help you out.

The title is "Learn to read Chinese ... with ease!"
She's talking about Chinese but, you know what, Japanese Kanji is from Chinese characters. The characters she introduces (not all of them) are also used in Japan in same meanings.

口 mouth くち
人 person ひと
火 fire ひ
木 wood き
山 mountain やま
日 sun ひ
月 moon つき
門 door, gate もん
囚 to be taken presoner (not so common)
林 woods, grove はやし
森 forest もり
呆 idiot (not so common)
本 book ほん
炎 flame ほのお
晶 shining, crystal (sometimes used as a boy's name)
明 bright, cheerful あかるい*明るい
旦 sunrise (not so common for daily use)
問 ask, question しつもんする*質問する
女 woman おんな
火山 volcano かざん
日本 Japan にほん
日本人 Japanese person/people にほんじん
出口 exit でぐち

This is the list of Kanji characters she showed in the video above which are also used in Japan. Do you have any particular Kanji characters hard to remember? Let me know if you have. I just wonder. =)

Okay, now I let you know the examples of funny Kanji conversions.
Today, this is *Japanese Word of the Day*


You have a Japanese girlfriend and send her an email. You want to say that you want to see her face many times. Then you'll convert it into the sentence written with Kanji characters.

/kimi no kao, nankai mo mitai/

*君(きみ) you *an informal, familiar term
*顔(かお) face

君の顔 = your face

*何回(なんかい)も many times

見(み)たい = 見る+~したい
*~したい want to do...

You must be careful not to write as;
/kimi no kao, nanka imo mitai/

*芋(いも) potato
*なんか~みたい look like..., seem to be...

You see, to use proper Kanji is very important. Lol

Friday, October 11, 2013

Are you an optimist?

Have you seen SHREK? The American computer-animated fantasy-comedy film produced by DreamWorks. I like Shrek series and have seen all of them.

The first story was released in 2001. Hey, it's been 12 years since I watched it with my family.
I went to a movie theater near my house. There was a big amusement arcade that included not only a movie theater but also a bowling alley, big swimming pools, a spa and a restaurant. I heard it was closed and only that movie theater has remained.

Anyway, Shrek was awesome for us. The story was funny and the music was also great.
Above all, Princess Fiona was... so ... shocking.

She really resembles my mom. No, She is rather the very my mom.

Sorry, but not this one.

She is. She is my mom... oops, no, she is that Princess Fiona. You'd be surprised if you see my mom. You would think DreamWorks made this character based on her.

My dad was so excited to say "Did you see that? Did you see the princess? Did you see your mom on the screen?!" all the way home, which made her angry.

Like as women in all over the world are, my mom also has a keen interest in beauty.
She often starts the popular method of the diet, but nothing has been kept.
She likes to think about to be thin, but actually doesn't like to go on a diet.

Once she started so called "Cabbage Diet". The method is very simple.
All you have to do is just to eat some cabbage before a meal. To eat some cabbage satisfies your appetite to some extent, and can reduce the quantity of your meal.

Unfortunately, this method couldn't apply to my mom.

She ate lots of cabbage before supper to reduce the quantity of her meal, but on the contrarily, it stimulated her appetite. She had another helping of rice, and furthermore, she had another bowl of cabbage. Gee, this method just added two bowls of cabbage and another cup of rice to her supper.

What makes it difficult for her to continue diet is that she in fact does not mind her weight. She often told me that it would be troublesome if she lose her weight and become more beautiful. If so, a lot of guys would run up to her, and her husband, I mean my dad, would be sad.

I know. She is a genuine optimist.

Well, maybe my optimistic character was inherited from my mom. =P

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/Tomo-chan tte, honto nayamigoto toka nasasou dayone/
Tomoe, you really seem to have no worries, don't you?

I was often told like this by my friends.

*~ちゃん is often attached to girls', children's or cute animals' names. It makes their name sounds cute or girlish. It's used between friendly relationship. If you think of me as young and cute enough, you can call me ともちゃん or ともえちゃん! Lol

*ほんと=本当(ほんとう)に really, indeed, actually

*悩み事=悩み worries, troubles

*~そう  look, sound, seem
良さそうだね。 It sounds good. (We rather say 良いね!between friends.)
彼女、悲しそう。 She looks sad.
無さそう = 無い(no)+~そう

I'm gonna have a trip this weekend! =D YATTA!
Have a sparkling weekend!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Partner of My Life

Last weekend I returned to Japan, accompanying with my husband.
He needed to attend his friend's wedding but I had nothing to do in Tokyo.
So I strolled around Tokyo station alone. It was raining, and much colder than Taiwan.
Anyway, I enjoyed window shopping by myself.

What I bought there was a schedule book for 2014.
I've been using a schedule book since I was a student. <Hobonichi techo> is my favorite series. It's a little more expensive than others but really easy to use. It was a kind of partner of my life. I used it for more than scheduling an agenda. It was also used as a sketchbook, a diary, a memo of foreign languages I studied. I wrote down my impressions of books I read or movies I watched. I sometimes look over what I wrote and cheered myself up.

Here are the quotes I wrote down long before.

Aerodynamically the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly,
but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway.

/subeki koto wa shite iru ka/
Am I doing what to do?
/yarubeki koto wa te wo nukazuni shite iru ka/
Am I doing what to do without cutting courners?
/yaritai koto wa meikaku ka/
Is it clear what I want to do?
/sono tame ni nanika shite iru ka/
Am I doing something for what I want to do?

/ima no zibun wa, kako no zibun no naka de ichiban toshi-ue/
I am the oldest one than myself in the past.
/ima no zibun wa, mirai no zibun no naka de ichiban toshi-shita/
I am the youngest one than myself in the future.

Last year I didn't use <Hobonichi techo> because I was given another schedule book in my company. And I currently use a schedule app of my ipod touch. A few weeks ago, I heard that an English version of this <Hobonichi techo> series has been published. I recalled the feeling of satisfaction at writing down on it, and I decided to buy it.

<Hobonichi Planner 2014>
This is the official homepage written in English.
<Hobonichi Planner Facebook Page>

I'm really looking forward to using this book in 2014!!

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/mainichi ashita ga tanoshimi desu/
I'm looking forward to tomorrow everyday.

Indeed! XD

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Blue Bench

I can see my husband tomorrow! YATTA! XD

He can't speak Chinese at all, so he doesn't dare to take a bus alone in Taiwan.
I'm gonna go to the airport to pick him up because I don't want him to take a taxi.
I have a foot massage class on Fridays. I usually go out to lunch with my classmates but I think I should go home earlier to clean up tomorrow.

He will come back tomorrow, but he has to go to Japan this Saturday, and that very early in the morning. This time isn't for business but for attending a wedding ceremony of his friend. I originally planned to stay in Taiwan this weekend. But, I changed my mind. I'll go with him. I don't need to attend his friend's wedding ceremony, so I'm gonna stroll around Tokyo!

Okay, I'll introduce a romantic song for a change.

The name of song is 青(あお)いベンチ, means a blue bench. It reminds me of my school days
filled with romantic memories...  Well, that's right, I'm just kidding. There was NOTHING romantic. I know.

Anyway, this song was very popular when I was a high school student.
Aah, it's very 懐(なつか)かしい!!

I think this song is good to learn Japanese. He's singing not so fast, and its lyrics are kind of easy. Practice it and sing before a Japanese girl. Trust me, she will have a crush on you. YATTA! Lol

Here is the chorus of this song. I love it.

この声(これ)が かれるくらいに
/kono koe ga  kareru kuraini/
Until made myself hoarse

君(きみ)に好(す)きと 言(い)えばよかった
/kimi ni suki to  ieba yokatta/
I should have shouted out my love for you

逢(あ)いたくて しかたなかった
/aitakute  shikata nakatta/
I was anxious to see you

どこにいても なにをしてても
/dokoni itemo  naniwo shitetemo/
Wherever I was, whatever I was doing

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/aaa, kyun to suru/
Aww, my heart twinges a bit. <3

Have you ever felt your heart twinged? Not by a disease!
Do you have any sweet memories? <3

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Do you like playing online games?

I know it's kind of a waste of time, but I started an online game again.

It's me!
This is one of the most famous online SNS games in Japan, called Ameba. The number of its players are more than 30 million! They provide many games, SNS communities, blog and stuff.

You can chat with people using your avatar called Pigg. There're tons of people who want to practice English here, so you'll be welcomed if you want to chat with us!

This is one of Ameba's SNS games. I usually spend my boring hours playing this game.

I harvest crops, plant flours, water them, cook, DIY furniture, or take care of animals... What a peaceful day!

They provide a fishing game, diving game, board games, gambling casino games, and so on.

I was a big fan of games. I've played Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and other RPG, simulation, action games. I'm relieved that I could graduate from them =P

*Japanese Word of the Day*
/sorette, jikan no muda ja nai?/
Isn't it a waste of time?

I hope it's not a waste of time for you to read my blog XO